The flavor of exotic spice in wine of Alsace

Discover the of Alsace wines revealing the of exotic spice flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Alsace flavors

Alsace, located in the extreme north-east of France, is Distinguished from other French wine regions by its strong Franco-Germanic influences. These influences are the result of a back-and-forth between the German and French sovereignties over the last few centuries. They can be seen not only in the architecture and culture of Alsace, but also in the wines. Alsace wines are produced under three main appellations: Alsace and Alsace Grand Cru for still white wines (Sweet and Dry), and Crémant d'Alsace for Sparkling wines.

Almost all the wines produced in this region fall under one of these three appellations. Alsace Grand Cru wines are produced from one of the 51 privileged vineyards spread along the Length of the region. Alsace is the only French wine region to produce significant quantities of Riesling and Gewurztraminer. These two grape varieties are more commonly associated with German wines and are reminiscent of Alsace's history.

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