The flavor of black currant in wine of Algerie

Discover the of Algerie wines revealing the of black currant flavor during the olphactive analysis (nose) and during the gustative analysis (mouth).

More information on of Algerie flavors

News on wine flavors

Decanter at Home masterclass: Tasting the La Las with Philippe Guigal

Last chance: You can still buy tickets to watch this E Guigal LaLas virtual masterclass and taste the wines, via the Decanter at Home series – book here A so-called ‘vertical’ tasting is of the same wine, but over multiple vintages. A ‘horizontal’ tasting is of different wines, but in the same vintage. That’s what makes the Decanter at Home tasting particularly special – it’s both horizontal and vertical. Not only do we taste the three jewels in Guigal’s Côte-Rôtie crown; La Mouline, La Tu ...

Join Decanter in London for its world-renowned Fine Wine Encounter – priority booking for Premium members

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Americans swindled in $13m wine investment scam

The authorities have charged Casey Alexander, who lives in the UK, with conspiracy to commit wire fraud. He is accused of running three companies – Windsor Jones, Charles Winn and Vintage Whisky Casks – which obtained the phone numbers of elderly Americans and cold-called them. Investigators said the companies used ‘aggressive and deceptive tactics’ to convince people to wire them money, promising them huge returns. Windsor Jones’ website, which lists the company’s address as Wilmington, D ...

Discover the best wines with flavor de black currant of Algerie