Top 100 unknow wines of Vino da Tavola

Discover the top 100 best unknow wines of Vino da Tavola as well as the best winemakers in the region. Explore the varietals of the unknow wines that are popular of Vino da Tavola and the best vintages to taste in this region.

Discovering the wine region of Vino da Tavola

Vino da Tavola was the most basic classification of Italian wines. It is now renamed simply "Vino" and appears on labels as Vino d'Italia. The original name literally means "table wine" as opposed to premium wines from specific geographical locations (see EU wine label). In May 2011, the first legal steps were taken to abolish the Vino da Tavola category, in favor of a New classification of wines called simply Vino.

Typical Vino is a cheap wine blended from several regions and sometimes several Vintages. It is not labeled with its region(s) of origin, nor with its vintage. Vino (da Tavola) is regaining its original status. But in the 1980s and 1990s, some of Italy's most respected (and expensive) wines were labeled as Vino da Tavola.

News from the vineyard of Vino da Tavola

The rise of California Cabernet Franc plus 20 top wines worth seeking out

In the wake of the second destructive wave of the phylloxera bug in California in the 1980s and 1990s, Cabernet Sauvignon rose to such prominence and dominance (especially in Napa Valley) that I, like most people, assumed it must now be the most expensive grape variety in the state. Wrong. That would be Cabernet Franc. Top 20 California Cabernet Franc wines Slowly, steadily and quietly, Cabernet Sauvignon’s father has displaced its son* as the priciest grape to buy and the grape that is generati ...

New Oregon wine appellation ‘Mount Pisgah’ is created

Oregon has got a 23rd AVA after ‘Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon’ was created this month following approval from the US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Lying around 15 miles west of Salem, the new appellation zone sits within the broader Willamette Valley AVA. Its lengthy official name was created to prevent confusion with another Mount Pisgah, in Lane County. Morgen McLaughlin, executive director of the Willamette Valley Wineries Association, said it was an exciting development: ‘Th ...

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The best wines of Vino da Tavola in other styles